Ibiza marine center

Boat maintenance in Ibiza

Mantenimientos de barcos en ibiza

Mantain my boat in Ibiza

Mantenimientos de barcos en ibiza
Mantenimiento de yates en Ibiza

At Ibiza Marine Center we carry out comprehensive maintenance of your boat, both in the engines and in the accessories, thus avoiding unnecessary problems during your vacation, in addition to the polish service, antifouling service, cleaning, etc., everything so that your boat is like new even if the years go by.


Our maintenance

Restauracion de teca de barcos en Ibiza

Your boat always up to date

All of our boat maintenance services are specifically designed to keep your boat in optimal condition. Whether you need regular maintenance or a major repair.

Engine maintenance

antifoulling en ibiza

Antifoullings con airless

Sustitucion de turbos en Ibiza

Specífic Antifoulling

Antifoulling con airless

Staying afloat

pulido de embarcaciones en ibiza

Teka cleaning

Mantenimientos a flote

Polish and brightening

Restauracion de Tekas en Ibiza

Engine maintenance

Sustitucion de turbos en Ibiza

Staying afloat

Mantenimientos a flote

Specífic Antifoulling

antifoulling en ibiza

Polish and brightening

pulido de embarcaciones en ibiza

Antifoullings con airless

Antifoulling con airless

Teka cleaning

Restauracion de Tekas en Ibiza
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